Adolescence is such a pivotal time in life, and we believe it is FULL of potential! We believe God is speaking and moving – in and through our students, and we are committed to their discipleship and participation in Jesus’ church Right Now. This is the generation of today – not tomorrow, and Oakhouse is excited to partner with what the Lord is doing.

Youth Nights!

Every Sunday | 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Oakhouse Youth Group nights are a place for students to come to encounter Jesus, hear God's word being taught, worship, have fun, and build meaningful relationships all while knowing it is a safe space to be their authentic selves.

Middle Schoolers (grades 6th-8th) and High Schoolers (grades 9th-12th) are welcome to come. Everyone will play games, worship through song together, and hear a brief message.

Have a question? We’d love to hear from you! Email James.

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