Jesus had a lot to say about money. Probably because he knew how much anxiety and fear it caused in people’s lives. Time and time again, he calls us to give up material things that have gripped our hearts as a means of aligning ourselves to God—often this means giving of our finances. As we give our money, we showcase our heart is not attached to our finances. This is powerful worship!

 At Oakhouse, we encourage all followers of Jesus to give with three principles in play.



Giving to another way of worship in which we get to declare that “God is worth it!” We give before we pay our bills, go out to dinner, etc. because it highlights our dependence and belief that God is our ultimate provider.


There is beauty in the rhythm of regular giving. Every time we click to “give” link or put cash in the offering box, we are reminded of our reliance on God. Just like other forms of discipleship, we don’t simply do it one-time; it becomes the type of people we are.


Throughout the New Testament, Jesus offers a path to freedom: sacrifice. Our faith in God expands when our generosity stretches our comfort zone. When we give sacrificially, God gets to be our support over and above our bank account. It’s sometimes hard, but it’s worth it!