Hello and welcome to Oakhouse Church!  We want you to know that there is a place for you here. Are you new to church? New to Jesus?  Need information on baptism or discipleship? Is it time for you to step out and serve? We don’t want to just “plug you in” somewhere.  We would be honored to get to know you and to help you find what the next step is for you on your journey with Christ.  Because there is always a next step!  



Who is Jesus? 

Jesus Christ is fully man and fully God. He is the perfect embodiment of God’s character and glory. He came near to us- living on the earth among us- to model a sinless life connected to God the Father and filled with the Holy Spirit.

He willingly offered himself as the only perfect sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people. He died on the cross, making us right with God, our creator.

He rose from the grave after three days, coming back to life to reveal His authority over death- and invite us into eternal life. This life starts immediately upon receiving the free gift of forgiveness Jesus offers and choosing to make Him the Lord of our life.

The question, ‘Who is Jesus?’, must truly be answered by living in relationship with Him. We invite you to come near to Jesus and see for yourself who He is!

Want to learn more about what we believe? You can read our statements of faith. And we’re always happy to chat about any other questions you have!

Meet us for Coffee 

The pastors and staff at Oakhouse would love to meet you! If you would like to meet with someone and talk more about who Jesus is or how He has changed our lives and can change yours, email Crissy and we will make sure someone gets in touch with you right away.


Are you ready to get connected to a local body of Jesus followers? 

There are so many ways to get involved in Oakhouse Church.  We know that as you get involved, you grow in Christ, and you meet others who share the same heart for Jesus and His Church. 

The Story of Oakhouse

The story of Oakhouse is one of love, perseverance, and most importantly obedience to Jesus.  There is no perfect church, because there are no perfect people. But our hope is that we, as individuals and as a church, encourage and compel one another to love God, love others, to be witnesses for Jesus, and to make disciples of Jesus.  

Who We Are

Answering “Who we are” would take up a lot of space, because it would include every person who calls Oakhouse home!  But, for now, here is a little introduction to the Oakhouse Staff and Elders.

Get to Know Us

Join us for our next involvement event so that we can get to know each other better! Want to learn more or ask specific questions? Reach out to Kelly Figueroa to chat about Oakhouse Church!


We believe that as followers of Jesus we are called to love God, love others, be a witness, and make disciples.  As believers and followers of Jesus, we each have been given gifts.  As a part of Oakhouse, our desire is for each person to have a meaningful relationship with Jesus and to use their gifts to build the church and further the Kingdom of God.  

Learn about Baptism 

When we meet Jesus and offer Him our lives, the first act of obedience is baptism.  It is an outward expression of an inward decision and is a beautiful opportunity to celebrate that decision with other Jesus followers. Are you ready for that step in your faith journey? Let us know!

Spend Time with Jesus 

To be a follower of Jesus, one must have a personal relationship with Him.  As with any relationship, time must be spent with each other to know each other well.  We encourage everyone to spend time with Jesus.  If you’re not sure where to begin, no worries, we have put together a collection of resources that can help.

Life Groups

Corporate worship time is important, encouraging, and beautiful. Having a smaller group of people to help walk out our lives with, to spur us on in our own discipleship journeys is crucial! If you would like to be a part of a Life Group, let us know.

Serve Teams

Serving on a Sunday team allows you to be a part of creating an environment where we can come together as a family and encourage and equip one another! This is a great way to meet new people and learn more about Oakhouse Church, while serving others. Learn more about our serving opportunities!