The Body of Christ: For Right Now

1 Timothy 4:12 Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.

We believe in raising our kids to not only know and love God but also know what being filled with His Spirit looks like. It has long been our anthem that “there is no junior Holy Spirit.” If we believe the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead is alive in our kids we get to raise our expectations of what they can carry as members of the body of Christ. We believe in nurturing a relationship with Jesus that places a high value on pairing both the knowledge of His word and having a personal experience with His presence. 

Whether your child has never heard of Jesus, or “Jesus” was their first word, we at Oakhouse are excited to come alongside you as you help them foster a relationship with their Heavenly Father. We believe parents are the primary influencer of their children’s faith and we are here to help you as you help them. We want parents to see what we see inside your kids: the oak inside the acorn; ready for planting, watering, growth and to become a display for his glory (Isaiah 61:3).


We desire to facilitate the time but let the Holy Spirit lead. Though we love your child and care for them, we do not desire for this time to simply be “childcare.” From the Nursery class to 5th grade, they will be engaging with scripture and learning the elements of what it means to follow Jesus at an individual, age-appropriate level.

  • the children will get to worship as a large group, engage with scripture and break into individual classes. Depending on age, the time includes: a snack, craft or activity that helps further illustrate the lesson.

  • worship and engage with scripture as a group and break into small groups led by a small group leader to further discuss the passage and application. After small group, the children are gathered back together for a Worship Response time. This time is a unique time that gives opportunity for reflection and “watering” what has been “planted” during service.

  • Child dedications are based on the story of Hannah and Samuel in 1 Samuel 1 &2. When she was barren and God miraculously blessed her with a child, Hannah offered Samuel back to the Lord out of abundance of faith and thanks. Child dedications are a time of recognizing our stewardship as parents of our children and remembering that they are a gift from the Lord and ultimately belong to him. This gives parents the opportunity to publicly vow before the Lord to steward them well, both committing to not only caring for their physical needs but also their spiritual needs by intentionally raising them to have a relationship with God.

    Let us know you’re interested!

  • f your child has made the decision to follow Jesus, we want to celebrate! Baptism is a celebration of the transformation Jesus brings. If your child is showing interest in being baptized, we ask that you and your child sign up for our Families Baptism Class. This class is intended to help our parents and children discover together if they’re ready to take this next big step in their journey of faith. We will cover: what baptism is, what it means, why we do it, and how to take the next steps of faith.

    Take the first step!



Sing, Read, Pray

As Oakhouse continues to live out our Five Year Vision, the Kids Ministry is journeying through guides to help spend time with Jesus and take one step a week toward someone who doesn’t know Jesus. These guides are available in print at any Oakhouse Church service.

Sing, Read, Pray: Love!
Mail Subscription

This year, the kids’ booklet is coming in a new format… a monthly mailing! It includes a creative story with questions you can ask to help them wrestle with what it looks like to love those around us. Fun surprises included!

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