God is on a mission to reconcile all things to himself (2 Cor. 5:19), and we’ve been called to join him in this mission as ambassadors and co-laborers (2 Cor. 5:20). This partnership takes many forms, but our goal is always the same: love people the way Jesus taught us to love. We pursue justice and compassion in every community, locally and globally, because God’s heart for his creation is for intentional relationships to bring about restoration.


  • Meals on Wheels

    During the height of COVID most of us experienced feelings of isolation. Our homebound Meals on Wheels seniors are all too familiar with these feelings each and every day. Some have no family to look in on them. That is why this ministry is vital to this neglected population. While yes you are delivering food you are doing much more than that...your heart is partnering with what breaks God's heart. If you want to get involved with this family friendly ministry

  • Park-It Market

    1 in 3 age 65+ are economically insecure. This leaves many having to decide if they will pay their mortgage or purchase food. Park-it-Market is a food pantry project through the city of Mission Viejo that gives seniors a choice by shopping for themselves for FREE. There are over 2000 references in the Bible to the poor. God has not forgotten the poor and instead calls all believers to join in His restorative work to bring hope If you want to get involved with this family friendly ministry,

  • Student Marketplace

    Silverado High School has 53 students who fall into the “McKinney Vento” homeless assistance act. This covers kids who are living in cars, shelters, hotels, trailers, camping grounds, couch surfing, substandard housing, etc.

    This will not only benefit these students but all Mission Viejo students. Your two hours a week will make an impact on the lives of these families.

  • Community Engagement

    "You can no more show me your works apart from your faith than I can show you my faith apart from my works. Faith and works, works and faith, fit together hand in glove." James 2:18, MSG (in part)

    Faith with action is ALIVE! We are a church that doesn't just take up space in our city, we are showing the love of Jesus in and through us by our "works of faith." We have multiple events throughout the year that we volunteer and attend. This is an ongoing ministry as we see new needs come up. Check our Community Engagement calendar to see what we’re currently working on.

For more information, email Sharon.



  • We have been partnering with an organization called Food For the Hungry since 2015 in six different villages in Guatemala. You can learn more about FH here.

    Through FH, we are coming alongside the people in these villages to promote holistic learning and growth. It’s holistic for a number of reasons. First, EVERYONE involved is healing, learning and growing – including each one of us. We have much to learn from the people in Guatemala. We have, and will continue to in the future. Secondly, the plan is that the men, women and children in these villages continue to develop skills and leadership that are sustainable for the community going forward. So much so, that one day in the future, they won’t need us in the same way! The estimate is that this will be 10-15 years from the start of the partnership. We look forward to celebrating with our friends on that day.

  • Our next trip is planned for June 4th-10th, 2023!

    You can read the trip information here and find the application here.

    Sign up here if you want more information about future trips!

  • One of the ways the efforts in Guatemala are funded is through child sponsorships. This is a unique opportunity to put our treasure where our heart is and make a difference in lives month after month. As you give, you will receive letters, pictures and have a chance to correspond with the child you sponsor through the translators at FH. Additionally, if you go on a trip there is a chance you could meet the child and their family! If you are interested in sponsoring a child, click here.

For more information, email Brian.


  • Care Communities

    Did you know that there are over 2,200 children in the child welfare system in California? When the need arises and a child is provided with a short-term stay or longer-term care, a loving home can be an incredibly important stop on their journey — one that leads them to a hopeful, healthy future.

    When people step in to provide this loving home through foster care, we want it to be a communal exercise. Even if you are not in a position to care for a child in your home, you can still be a part of supporting those families that are. We can do it together.

    For more information, email Sharon.

  • Safe Families

    In the Safe Families program through Olive Crest, volunteers open their homes to children whose parents are experiencing a short-term emergency, such as hospitalization, or a longer-term crisis, such as drug abuse. Designed to extend and strengthen the community safety net for at-risk families, Safe Families for Children is a positive alternative to the state child welfare system, allowing parents to work out their problems without having to worry about losing custody of their children.

    The program’s goal is to reunite children with their biological parent(s) in a home that is more stable and healthy, in part because of the contribution of the Safe Families for Children intervention.